ZeroWaste Demo

Dive into our interactive demo of ZeroWaste to see how CloudForecast's AWS cost optimization feature highlights all GP2 EBS volumes in your environment.

Engineering, SRE, DevOps, and Infra Teams at Top Brands Trust CloudForecast

How We Help Customers Eliminate Wasted AWS Costs

Learn why Engineers love CloudForecast and how we are helping them monitor and eliminate wasted cost on Amazon Web Services.

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How GroundTruth Achieved 32% Annualized Savings With CloudForecast

CloudForecast has helped the GroundTruth engineering team focus on the right areas and prioritize appropriately. As a result, they exceeded their cost-optimization goals for 2023, eclipsing 32% in annualized savings.

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AWS Cost Management is Easy with CloudForecast

We would love to learn more about the problems you are facing around AWS cost. Connect with us directly and we’ll schedule a time to chat!

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